Enter the amount of natural gas in MBTU (Millions of BTU)
Enter the calorific value of your natural gas in BTU / ft3 (BTU per cubic foot)
The volume of natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in KPC (Cubic Kilofeet) to:
The volume of natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in KPC (Cubic Kilofeet) to:
Enter the volume of your natural gas in KPC (Cubic Kilofeet)
Enter the calorific value of your natural gas in BTU / ft3 (BTU per cubic foot)
The natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in MBTU (Millions of BTU) to:
The volume of natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in m3 (cubic meters) to:
Enter the volume of your natural gas in m3 (cubic meters)
Enter the calorific value of your natural gas in BTU / ft3 (BTU per cubic foot)
The natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in MBTU (Millions of BTU) to:
The volume of natural gas corresponding to the data entered is equivalent in KPC (Cubic Kilofeet) to:
Enter the price of the natural gas you are buying in US $ / MBTU (US Dollars per Millions of BTU)
Enter the exchange rate with which you will settle your natural gas purchase in COP$ / U$ (Colombian Pesos per US Dollar)
Enter the calorific value of your natural gas in BTU / ft3 (BTU per cubic foot)
The value in $ / m3 (Colombian Pesos per cubic meter) corresponding to the natural gas whose data was entered is:
Enter the volume of LPG in gls (gallons)
Enter the density of the LPG in Kg / gl (Kilograms per gallon)
The mass in Kg (Kilograms) of the LPG whose data was entered is:
Enter the mass of the LPG in Kg (Kilograms)
Enter the density of the LPG in Kg / gl (Kilograms per gallon)
The volume in gls (gallons) of the LPG whose data was entered is:
Enter the mass of the LPG in Kg (Kilograms)
Enter the density of the LPG in Kg / gl (Kilograms per gallon)
Enter the calorific value of LPG in BTU / gl (BTU per gallon)
The LPG whose data was entered corresponds in MBTU (Millions of BTU) to:
Enter the volume of LPG in gls (gallons)
Enter the density of the LPG in Kg / gl (Kilograms per gallon)
Enter the calorific value of LPG in BTU / Kg (BTU per Kilogram)
The LPG whose data was entered corresponds in MBTU (Millions of BTU) to:
1 bar (barrel)
42 gls (gallons)
1 gl (gallon)
0.02381 barrel (barrels)
1 gl (gallon)
3,78541 lt (liters)
1 lt (liter)
0.26417 gls (gallons)
1 m3 (cubic meter)
35.31 pcs (cubic feet)
1 pc (cubic foot)
0.02832 m3 (cubic meters)
1 KPC (Cubic Kilofeet)
1000 pcs (cubic feet)
1 pc (cubic foot)
0.001 KPC (Cubic Kilofeet)
1 KPC (Cubic Kilofeet)
28.32 m3 (cubic meters)
1 m3 (cubic meter)
0.03531 KPC (Cubic Kilofeet)
1 Kw (Kilowatt)
3412.14 BTU / hr (Btus per hour)
1 BTU / hr (Btu per hour)
0.293071 Kw (Kilowatts)